Conclusion of the Sixth Annual Session of the Supreme Council of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulémas

Africa Eye Editorial

The Supreme Council of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulémas concluded its sixth annual session in Fes, with the attendance of the presidents and members of the Foundation’s branches from 48 African countries, under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Amir Al-Mu’minin and President of the Foundation.

During this meeting, a number of scientific projects were approved, in line with the royal directives of His Majesty the King. These projects were presented and discussed before being ratified by the members of the Supreme Council. Among the approved projects were the organization of scientific seminars and training courses, strengthening efforts to preserve African Islamic heritage, and developing digital platforms for education and communication.

Notable projects approved included organizing an international seminar on “Dialogue of Civilizations and Cultures in the African Context,” and launching the second edition of the Foundation’s research award on common religious principles. Additionally, the Legal Studies Committee adopted projects, including the creation of the platform “African Muftis Council,” as well as organizing contests and training on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

The Committee for the Preservation of African Islamic Heritage also approved organizing an award for Islamic manuscripts and implementing projects to publish African heritage texts, in addition to creating a comprehensive digital library.

The Committee for Communication, Partnerships, and Cooperation approved new projects, including the gradual launch of the Foundation’s digital channel and the development of its website and social media networks.

Finally, the session issued several recommendations, including enhancing the participation of African women in the Foundation’s activities, adopting African languages alongside official languages, and developing technical means to facilitate communication between scholars across the continent.