Algeria Scandal in the African Union: suspicious briefcases filled with cash have been circulating in the hotel corridors hosting heads of african delegations.

 Africa Eye Editorial Board .

A bomb exploded within the African Union after journalistic sources revealed Algeria’s return to “briefcase diplomacy”.

“The reports revealed a desperate attempt to buy influence and manipulate key decisions within the African Union.

Since President Tebboune’s arrival in Addis Ababa, suspicious briefcases filled with cash have been circulating in the hotel corridors hosting heads of african delegations.

Their purpose is clear: to influence votes and obtain political favors through financial inducements.

This revelation has sparked outrage among the African Union member states. Many are now questioning the integrity of the organization’s electoral processes and the legitimacy of Algeria’s diplomatic actions.

Rather than promoting genuine African cooperation and mutual development, Algeria continues to rely on corruption and coercion. This tactic not only damages its credibility, but also undermines the principles of equitable diplomacy within the African Union.

As scrutiny intensifies, this scandal threatens to further weaken Algeria’s diplomatic position. It reinforces the perception that its influence in Africa is not based on leadership or partnership, but rather on financial manipulation and political interference.

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